The internet has become such a big part of traveling. Without it, it would be a lot harder to do the planning, look for transportation, book accommodations, and of course keep our friends and family up to date with all of our fun travel adventures.

Once we connect to public wifis things get a little bit risky as hackers can easily sniff data from our devices. That’s why we never travel without a VPN.

What is a VPN?

VPN stands for “virtual private network,” a method of secure communications that protects your connection while you’re using the internet. It makes your browsing private, hides your IP (Internet Protocol) address, and ensures your internet service provider (ISP) doesn’t track you.

What is a VPN?

Now there are lots of VPN providers out there but Surfshark is our VPN of choice. We’ve had Surfshark for a few years now and it has become a trusted service that we rely on. It’s also the only VPN out there that allows you to connect unlimited devices without breaking the bank.

Of course, no pressure. Go do your research first and then when you’re ready to sign up. Use our code NATANDMAX to get 83% off and 3 extra months free!

Our take, why we chose Surfshark?

*Small disclaimer that we get a small commission when you sign up with Surfshark. This helps us continue what we do best, create helpful travel videos. We appreciate your support!